
dAblack for v7

Deviation Actions

GyroxOpex's avatar

Literature Text

* deviantART - dAblack for V7
* Author      : GyroxOpex (original code from Trezoid, with code from hkk, as well as some from Gpopper's darkGRAY 7 style)
* Updated     : November 12, 2013 (version 2.1.1/11.12.2013, build 8)
* Website     :,,,
* Description : Changes the colors of the popular art site deviantART
* Usage       : Use with the Stylish Firefox extension ( or copy to your Firefox userContent.css file

/* ===Table of contents===
*1. Profile page
*2. Gruzy boxes
*3. Buttons
*4. Gallery page
*5. Deviation Page
*6. Journal portal
*7. DeviantPage
*8. Message center
*9. Shopping
*10. News
*11. Here's a llama, there's a llama
*12. FAQ
*13. Today we . . . look at dA stats.
*14. Forums
*15. Oh dAmn
*16. dA v7 Bug Fixes
* 16.1 Polls
* 16.2 Shopping
*17. Notes
*18. Groups
*19. Daily Deviations
* 19.1 Daily Deviation Box
* 19.2 Daily Deviations Page
*20. Submission pages
* 20.1 Submit your art
*  20.1.1 Remove white-shadow
* 20.2 Premium Member Your Settings
* 20.3 Premium Member Submission
* 20.4 Submission Artist's Comments
* 20.5 darkGray Textarea
* 20.6 Textarea Focus
* 20.7 SMbutton - green, black, notes, purple
*21. Depths
*22. Other stuff (fixes, etc.) */

namespace url(;

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/* header menu.
*todo: Shrink it, search in
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/* profile page.
*todo: bugtest

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/*gruzy boxes*/

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/* Gallery page*/

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/*Deviation page*/
div.bubbleview {color: #888 !important;}
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/*Journal portal*/
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div.boxtop.journaltop h2 a {color: white !important;}
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.journal-green .gr-top .gr h2 a, .browse2-journals-next .journal-wrapper .journal-footer .more {color: #999 !important; text-shadow: 0 1px 0px rgba(0,0,0, .6);}
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.module-tabbar {background-color:#3E3E3E !important;}
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.module-tabbar .tab:hover b {background-image:url("…") !important; background-position:100% -28px !important;}

div#journal div.altaltbubble {background-color:#2F2F2F !important;}
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div#journal_sidebar.rr span.side a {color:#FFA500 !important;}
#skinHelpModal {background-color:#525252 !important; border:1px solid #666 !important; color:#999 !important;}
#deviant .skincontrols a.gmbutton2 i.icon, #journal .skincontrols a.gmbutton2 i.icon {background-image:url(…) !important;}
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img[src$="/journal/checkmark.gif"]{width:0 !important; height:0 !important; padding:0 0 15px 15px !important; background:url("…") no-repeat !important;}
div.current-skin h3, div.current-skin {text-shadow:none !important;}
a.skinthumb img[src$="/browse-skins.png"]{width:0 !important; height:0 !important; padding:0 0 52px 52px !important; background:url("…") no-repeat !important;}
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div.journal-editor-sidebar div.sub_is_awesome {background:transparent !important; color:#666 !important;}
.blues-bar .smbutton span {color: #888 !important;}
div.skins-stream .resource-skin:hover {background-color:#808080 !important; border-color:#878787 !important;}
div.skins-stream .resource-skin:hover a.t:hover {background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #FFBB00, #FFA500) repeat scroll 0 0 transparent !important; border-color: #FFBB00 !important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px #FFA500 inset, 0 1px 3px #111 !important;}

.deviation-ile div.ile-published .deviation-ile-category {background: url("…") repeat-x scroll 0 -32px #747474 !important; border: 1px solid #282828 !important;}
.deviation-ile div.ile-published .deviation-ile-category span.arrow {background: url("…") repeat-x scroll 0 -33px #747474 !important; border-left: 1px solid #666 !important;}
.deviation-ile div.ile-published .deviation-ile-category span.arrow span {background: url("…") no-repeat scroll 0 0 transparent !important;}
.deviation-ile .deviation-ile-category {color: #AAA !important; text-shadow: 0px 1px 0px rgba(0,0,0, .75);}

/* DeviantPage */

#dv7, .resview7-view, html, .dynamic-zoomed-in{background:black none!important;}

#lit-view, #lit-view .text{background:#202020!important;}
.gr-headless .gr{background:#202020!important;}


background:-moz-linear-gradient(-90deg, #303030, #202020) repeat scroll 0 0 transparent!important;
border:1px solid #404040!important;}

.smbutton span{border-width:0!important;}

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.alink del:hover{background:url(…)0 -30px!important;}

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border:medium none;
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outline:medium none;
} {
background: black !important; margin: 0px 0pt !important; padding: 0px !important; border: none !important;} {
background: black !important;}
/*message center*/

.messages-head .f{background:-moz-linear-gradient(-90deg, #292929, black) repeat scroll 0 0 transparent!important;border-width:0!important;padding-top:3px!important;padding:2px!important;-moz-border-radius-topleft:5px!important;-moz-border-radius-topright:5px!important;}
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.talkmessage-taller, #bubbleview-messages, .talkmessage{background:-moz-linear-gradient(-90deg, black, #292929) repeat scroll 0 0 transparent!important;border-width:0!important;padding-top:3px!important;padding:2px!important;-moz-border-radius-topleft:5px!important;-moz-border-radius-topright:5px!important;}

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.messages .f{border-width:0!important;}



.page2 .f i{display:none!important;} div.inputs {
} {

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width:400px !important;
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.right .paddle{background:#101010 url(…)0 -61px!important;}
.left .paddle{background:#101010 url(…)0 -120px!important;}





/* Here's a llama, there's a llama*/


.trade, .trade *{background:black!important;border-width:0!important;}


/* FAQ */

#help-container .altview{background:#202020!important;}

.toggle-holder li{background:#191919!important;border-color:#101010!important;}

.altview ul{background:#202020!important;}



/* Today we...look at dA stats. */



/* Forums */

.fora .f, .forum .f{border-color:#101010!important;}


/* Oh dAmn */

.gr-box .gr-top, .gr-box .gr-top .gr{background:-moz-linear-gradient(-90deg, #202020, #101010) repeat scroll 0 0 transparent!important;border-width:0!important;padding-top:3px!important;padding:2px!important;-moz-border-radius-topleft:5px!important;-moz-border-radius-topright:5px!important;}

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.zebra .odd{background: #202020!important;}


.tabbar strong{background: -moz-linear-gradient(-90deg, #202020, black)!important;}

.tabbar strong i{display:none!important;}

.damncr .alt0{background: black!important;}

.damncrc-topic{background: black!important;border-color:#404040!important;}
.damncrc-chat-inner{background: #202020!important;}

.other-hl, .other-hl *{background: #303030!important;}

.damncr-members dt{background:#303030!important;}

/* dA v7 bug fixes
*todo: find bugs, fix them.

.div.ctube, div.cfill {background:-moz-linear-gradient(-90deg, #202020, #101010) repeat scroll 0 0 transparent!important;border-width:0!important;padding-top:3px!important;padding:2px!important;-moz-border-radius-topleft:5px!important;-moz-border-radius-topright:5px!important;}

#submit div.altview {
padding:5px 0 15px;


#notes, #notes.messages
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background: black !important;
color: white !important;

div#notes div.conversation h2.mczone-title {
background: black !important;

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background: black !important;

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background:none repeat scroll 0 0 black!important;
border-top:1px solid black !important;

div.wrap-text {
} {
background:black !important;
} {
background:black !important;
margin:0 auto 12px;
} {
background:black !important;
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#notes #current-note .mcb-note-box {
-moz-border-radius:8px 8px 8px 8px;
background:black !important;
border:1px solid #101010;

#overhead-you-know-what {

#notes .left-column {
background:none repeat scroll 0 0 black !important;
border-right:1px solid #A3AFA3;



#notes td.message-folders {
background: black !important;}
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background: black !important;}
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background: -moz-linear-gradient(-90deg, #292929, black) repeat scroll 0 0 transparent!important;}
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background:black !important;}
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border: none !important;}
/*Note that the following disables the box shadow for *all* preview boxes on the site. */
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box-shadow: none !important;}


#aboutus .rolelabel, #aboutus-members .rolelabel {
background:-moz-linear-gradient(-90deg, #101010, #303030) repeat scroll 0 0 transparent!important;

.gr-box .mem-display .rolelabel {
background:-moz-linear-gradient(-90deg, #101010, #303030) repeat scroll 0 0 transparent!important;
color:#FFFFFF !important;
font-family:"Trebuchet MS",sans-serif;
padding:4px 8px 4px 38px;

/*Daily Deviations*/

.bubbleview {background: none repeat scroll 0 0 black !important; color: #888 !important;}
:link, *:visited {color: #999 !important;}

/** Daily Deviation Box **/
i.gr1 {background:none repeat scroll 0 0 black !important;}
i.gr2, i.gr3, .gr-body, .gr-top {
background:none repeat scroll 0 0 black !important;
border-color:#303030 !important;}

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border-right-color:#525252 !important;}
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/* gr-body top border */
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/** Daily Deviations Page **/
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/* Submission pages */

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/** Submit Your Art **/
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/** Premium Menber Your Settings **/
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/** Premium Menber Submission **/
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/** Submission Artist's Comments **/
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/*New Upload Page (moved from Other Stuff)*/

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background: black !important;}

a#gmi-GPageButton.away {
background: -moz-linear-gradient(-90deg, #303030, #202020) repeat scroll 0 0 transparent!important;}

#userlist ul.list li {
background: -moz-linear-gradient(-90deg, #303030, black) !important;}

NOTE TO ADMINS: Could you please move this deviation back to /deviantART Related/deviantART Skins & Scripts? For some reason I was unable to select that category when updating. Thanks!

NEW: I've just launched a wiki for all things dAblack-related. Check out the new dAblack Wiki! As I go along, I'll be adding pages for new skins in the dAblack family. Of course, if you want to draw a little more attention to your deviantART skin, you can create a page there and post a screenshot or two of it as well as a link to download it from. What are you waiting on? Go have a look! :)

EDIT 17: Welcome to version 2.1/10.31.2013! This update makes the skin compatible with dA's new main page and fixes a few other things as well. To get the update, you'll have to re-download the skin or update it using's automatic updater (details below). Happy Halloween!

EDIT 16:
Welcome to version 2.0! In this version, I've finished up the outgoing links page, as well as updated the skin for the new upload wizard. I've also done a few more fixes and tweaks, not the least of which was FINALLY dealing with the "hover bug" which caused the deviantART logo in the top right-hand corner to look odd when hovering over it. To get the update, you'll either have to re-download from here or update via Userstyles (instructions below).

EDIT 15: Welcome to version 1.9/6.6.2013! It's been an incredibly long time since I've been here. This was going to be a small update, but since things have changed so much I decided to just go ahead and fix all the bugs I could find. Among many other things, the skin has been updated for the new update page (which I really like, by the way - thanks dA!), as well as to make the massive ad space on the front page black, and I've also started work on the outgoing links page, although that page is still a little unfinished. To get the update, you'll have to re-download the skin (instructions below).

EDIT 14: Welcome to version 1.8/10.13.2012! In this version, I've colored in the popup you get right after you've added someone to your deviantWATCH, as well as fixed the friends menu and added gradients to the buttons in the top-right corner of the main page.

EDIT 13: Welcome to version 1.7.1! This changes the background of the ad space on the user pages to black so that it'll look as intended. To get the fix you'll have to re-download or update the skin via (instructions below).

EDIT 12: Welcome to version 1.7! This update fixes the main page. Unfortunately, it's still only available here. Installation/updating instructions are below. :)
----->SUB-EDIT: Userstyles finally decided to accept the update, so you can now use it to update the skin. Instructions for updating via Userstyles are below. :D

EDIT 11: Welcome to version 1.6.2/7.5.2012! This is a small fix which styles the buttons which allow you to go to different pages in a user's gallery. To get the fix, you'll have to either re-download the style from here or update it via More specific instructions can be found below, under "Downloading, installing and updating."
---->SUB-EDIT For some reason, Userstyles won't accept the code because it's "invalid CSS," despite the fact that it's perfectly valid. I don't know what the problem is, but I've never had this happen before. For now, the only way you can update it is via this page.

EDIT 10: Welcome to version 1.6.1/6.1.2012! This is an incremental update, which simply removes white shadows from preview boxes and styles the "Note sent successfully!" message in the notes center. Also, I've changed the update date to reflect the date on which the current version was written (the previous version said that the update date was September 27, 2011 when in fact it was May 24, 2012). To get the update you'll have to re-download.

EDIT 9: Welcome to version 1.6/5.24.2012! Sorry for the long update time. This version is by far the biggest update yet. Here's a list of the fixes included in this version:

1. The journal portal and the polls section at the bottom of the page are now styled.
2. The notes center has been fixed (AGAIN!)
3. The un-styled part of the search bar has been styled.
4. The white area around journals and featured deviations on a deviant's page has been fixed.
5. The advertisement spaces in the messages center and notes center have been turned black (ads will still show up, however).

To get the update, you will have to re-download the skin. Instructions for installing and updating are below. Major thanks goes to ~Gpopper once again for being awesome and providing a good bit of this version's code! :D

EDIT 8: Welcome to version 1.5/9.27.2011! In this version, I've styled the room tabs in dAmn, adding a nice gradient, as well as a few other major updates to dAmn chatrooms. Big thanks to =Alucard-Dracula01 for alerting me to the fact that the dAmn room tabs were un-styled. To get the update you'll need to re-download.

EDIT 7: Welcome to version 1.4.2/5.7.2011! This update simply fixes the problem with this style affecting all websites. You'll have to re-download to get the fix. Thanks to ~Gpopper for helping me figure out what the problem was.

EDIT 6: Welcome to version 1.4.1/5.6.2011! This is an incremental update, but it fixes a critical problem with 1.4: after installing 1.4, it would change every site you visited, not just deviantART (for example, it would magically make all-black). To get the fix you'll have to re-download. Also, this update is available on if you'd like to use that instead (instructions are below the edits). For some reason, the problem is still occurring. I'll provide an update when I can; for now, you'll have to manually activate/deactivate it.

EDIT 5: Welcome to version 1.4/5.6.2011! This is by far the largest update since release. Using code from ~Gpopper's darkGRAY v7 style, I've been able to re-style the daily deviations page and box as well as the submission page, and, via some new code, the footer at the bottom of the page (which was all-green before). Also included in this update is an issue with the attribution (for some reason, starting with 1.3, it went back to crediting Valacar for Trezoid's code layout). I've also included a handy table of contents to help potential modders navigate the code. As a note, this, for the time being, is a dA-EXCLUSIVE UPDATE. The reason for this is that Userstyles won't accept the code, so until I get that figured out, installing this theme via will only install 1.3.1.

EDIT 4: Welcome to version 1.3.1/11.12.2010! This is just a minor update. It came to my attention a while back that when logged out, the dA logo and part of the search bar would be missing from the overhead menu. I fixed that by deleting the custom logo from the stylesheet, so now the normal deviantART logo shows up there. A very small portion of the search bar will appear gray, because dA's logo file has it like that. Other than that, I've changed the lower part of the overhead to be totally black, and that's about it.

EDIT 3: Welcome to version 1.3/10.29.2010! I've fixed numerous other things this time around. For instance, in the message center, when you hit the "Original" button in the reply section, the popup should now have a cool new gradient instead of that horrid off-white that makes things hard to read. Also, the comment box background and reply box background should now be black. Oh, and I stuck some gradients onto some buttons to make them fit in nicer and make them easier to read. However, not all buttons have changed because many of them rely on Windows/Mac's standard button background. I'll see what I can do about styling them, though. Shouldn't be that big of a problem.

EDIT 2: Welcome to v.1.2/10.28.2010! This new release includes numerous bug fixes, mainly with the ad space in the notes center. The center appears much darker now, as I was able to separate the adspace and sidebar so I could get the adspace to be black without affecting the text. Also, the text area for the note should now appear black, as well as the area under the list of notes. So, all in all, the notes area should appear almost all black instead of some black and some gray (I left the lines between the notes gray to provide a little bit of organization). As a side note, I corrected the attribution area at the top of the stylesheet so that it no longer credits Valacar for Trezoid's code layout. Phew, that's a lot of work!

As an aside: for whatever reason, I couldn't change the text of the HTML file, so to download it, just copy the text under the image into Stylish.

EDIT: Welcome to v1.1/8.19.2010! This time, I actually styled the notes center with the help of the mega-awesome ~hkk, who wrote the original dAblack! Thanks, ~hkk!


dAblack is back in black!

This is a significantly reworked version of dAblack-so significant, in fact, that none of the original dAblack's code survives. As a matter of fact, I had to take the code from Trezoid's deviantDARK V3 on Userstyles.

Anyway, enough about that. The new dAblack has some huge changes from hkk's version. The first thing you will notice is that there are a lot more gradients, which make the website look all shiny. Next, instead of having to scroll down to add a comment, there's a tab in the bottom left that you can mouse over, which reveals a text field. Also, the whole thing is just a lot darker.

Downloading, installing and updating
Installing is easy. First, you should get Stylish. After that, just hit "Download", then randomly click into the text. Then, hit Control+A (Command+A for Mac users) to select all. After that, come back over here, hit Control+C (Command+C on Mac). Once that's done, click the Stylish icon in the lower right of your browser, select "Write new style">"For". A window will come up with the text

~namespace url(;

@-moz-document domain("") {


Delete that (don't cut it, or you'll have to download this again), paste the text into the window, click "Save", and enjoy!

But I can't/don't want to do all that!
Cool. Just hop over to the theme's page on Userstyles and hit "Install with Stylish".

From deviantART
To update the style without leaving deviantART, hit "Download." Next, click anywhere in the text, hit Ctrl+A to select all of it, then right-click and select "Copy." Open up the theme in Stylish, hit Ctrl+A once again, and then hit backspace to delete the old version's code. Paste the code you just copied into the window, hit "Save," and enjoy!

Go to the theme's page on and hit "Update." :)

Credit goes to Trezoid on Userstyles for the basic code layout (although I did alter it a lot) and ~hkk for the original dAblack, one of my favorite dA skins ever.

Just in case those screens in the preview above are too small, here are some bigger screens:

Main Page
Profile Page
Deviation Page
Comments Section
Message Center
Help & FAQ
News Post
Forum Post

Supported browsers

This theme is only for Firefox 3.6a1pre and up. It might work with 3.5, but downgrading your browser really isn't safe, so I haven't tested it with 3.5.

That means that other browsers, such as Chrome and Internet Explorer, are not supported and that this theme will not work properly in them. As ~hkk, creator of the original dAblack, explains below:

"A little further explanation if you're interested: the CSS code (which you see above, as the text of this deviation) has some quirks. CSS is a language to describe (i.e. define) the style and layout of a website, it is being interpreted by your browser and applied to another part of the website description (the HTML, which describes the content).
The current standard of CSS, version 3, introduced many new features, but it was in development for a long time, and some browsers don't fully support all of it; however, some browsers introduced similar features as proprietary extensions. That is all the lines starting with "-moz-..." and "-webkit-..." (moz being for Firefox/Mozilla and webkit being for Chrome/Webkit).

"As you can see, it is quite the hassle to support more than one browser like this, especially since the definitions look a bit different in different browsers -- this is especially critical in some places where items are aligned very closely, on a per-pixel basis.

"As GyroxOpex mentioned, adapting the style to be usable with Chrome would take as long as writing a completely new style, and it might not even be completely compatible."


Have a nice one, and if you've got any problems, just report them to me!
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Paws-and-Art's avatar
does this still work?